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Passages 2 Teacher's Book Pdf [REPACK] Free 23

Passages 2 Teacher's Book Pdf Free 23 >>

76. preachers are at times forced to resign themselves, without feeling them too keenly, to the fact that there are 'barriers' between them and their audience. some confess that they are easily bored by the repetitions, the long discourses, and the rigmarole and rhetorical excesses which are usually found in books written for preachers. but where do we go to find pastors and teachers who can say, before god, and to everyone else: i have felt it all, i have suffered it all, i have seen it all!

91. in this book, i propose an examination of other means by which the gospel can be brought to the world. my task was to let the different local churches and religious congregations share in this re-evangelization. it should be stated that in writing this book we have not been dealing with a balanced approach to the evangelization of the world, which we call passive or active, but rather with a particular approach in which christians actively become more and more involved in reaching out to a world which is increasingly alienated from them. so i deliberately omitted all points that aimed to create a balance within the church between the universal (i.e. every church must do its evangelization, as we should all know, for the sake of the unity of the church) and the particular (i. the local church must do its evangelization, to ensure that it remain apart from the universal church)

59. authentic dialogue presupposes an attitude of complete availability and honesty. it is impossible to carry on dialogue successfully when one remains insincere or hypocritical. when the church is in dialogue with others, she must always address herself with the utmost seriousness. this is what she has to do if she is to achieve what she believes is her mission in the world. she needs to say to society, to the human family: i do not come as a censor or an inquisitor, i come to be your friend, to bring you the gifts of a new and radiant truth, a gift of freedom from the corruption of evil and fear. i come to offer you, with my words, a love expressed in prayer and suffering. 3d9ccd7d82

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